Monday, November 14, 2011


I’m trying to compose
My happiness is such
That distracts me from my task.
The music in my library
Ain’t enough
To inspire me,
Been skipping songs
And haven’t found one
That relates to what I feel
Don’t want to listen
The ones you like,
‘Cos they reminded me of you
And I realize I don’t have you
Near me.

Finally gave up.
Put on your playlist
And this music really soothes me,
Weird in me,
Not big fan of these soft sounds.
I’m distracted again.
Just noticed
That some of these tracks
I’ve heard them before,
Didn’t know their names
And like them a lot.

Don’t hate you,
But can pronounce
The other words.
Distracted by third time.
The music you love
Has “tamed” the “tiger” in me.
The piano I’m listening right now
It’s just exquisite,
No wonder why you love it that much.
Thanks for sharing.

Good night,
Good morning.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Concurso de Poesía


Amigos lectores les informo/comunico/hago saber que estaré participando en un concurso de poesía... 

II Premio Iberoamericano de Poesía "Juegos Florales de Tegucigalpa 2011"