Sunday, July 18, 2010

Beautiful Mind

Dr. Alz

I was a great
Dancer, actor, performer,
Singer, writer, artist.
I was... I was...
I don't remember what I was.
Did I ever were?

I've been in
Brazil, Argentina, South pole,
Thailand, Japan, East.
I've been... I've...
Have I ever been at?

Did I forget?
I don't remember.
Have I lost all my memoirs?
I can't find them all.

I don't know who you are,
Please forgive me.
I'm sorry, you're not
Still on my mind.
I didn't mean to take you out.

Is not that I keep on
Dreaming about the future,
It’s just that I don't
Live in the past anymore.
I've moved on.

And let me tell you
That the only friend
Who’s been with me
All along this journey,
His name is Dr. Alz
Dr. Alz-something.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Quisiera Ser

I'd Like To

I’d like to make
Poetry like
Pablo Neruda,
Octavio Paz,
Gabriela Mistral,
Julieta Parra,
And much more…

I’m nothing
Compared to them.
I’m no-one
Besides them.
I’m a mortal,
Who’s not even behind them.

I use plain words
To write nonsense phrases.
They use only words
To write magical rhymes.

I barely speak Spanish,
My mother language,
And this is in English,
Shame on me.

The fortune,
The fate,
The muses
Have they laughed at me?
Would I ever be great?
Would somebody remember me?
Would I ever be known?

We’re all concerned
About life after dead,
Want to know how make it
Once you’re gone?

Have many, many
Friends as you can,
They’d be the ones
Who’d tell your story.

Be nice,
Be kind,
Be gentle,
Be soft,
Be warm to them.

And hopefully…

They will mention
Your name and your story
More than once.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mi Plan de Nación

Más claro no podría estar. (Junio 2010)

Plan De Nación

Yo quiero conocer una nación
Donde su gente se ame
Uno al otro.

Yo quiero ver una tierra
Donde el hombre aprecie
El valor de una mujer.

Yo quiero ir a una patria
Donde los niños todos
Van a la escuela.

Yo quiero vivir en un país
Donde las familias
Siempre unidas están.

Yo quiero que mi Nación
Sea una comunidad de hermanos
Y hermanas que se cuidan los unos a los otros.

Yo quiero que mi Tierra
Sea un lugar regido por
Jueces justos
Que educan con su ejemplo.

Yo sé que mi Patria
Tiene el potencial suficiente
De ser lo que quiera ser.

Yo sé que mi Pais
Soy yo, eres tú.
Son ellos y,
Somos todos.

Yo sé que soy Catracha,
Que vivo en Honduras
Y que es mi madre y mi padre.

Vamos hermanos y hermanas
Juntos podemos.
La H es grande.
Hazlo todo de corazón.