Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Rubia inmortal
De ojos claros
Y larga cabellera.

Fuiste mi amiga
Toda mi infancia.
De todo un poco.
Fuimos a Marte,
Alcanzamos Andrómeda,
Tuvimos 20 leguas de viaje submarino
E inclusive más.
¡A qué no jugamos!

Cuando te veo
Nostalgia y alegría
Vienen a mí.
¡Fueron tan bueno tiempos aquellos!
Cuando estuve sola
Tú fuiste mi compañera.
Cuando terminaba las tareas
A ti era quien yo quería ver.
Cuando jugaba con mi vecina
Un mundo de sonrisas creábamos.

Si tengo hijas
A ellas te heredaré
Y otras más le regalaré.
Les deseo muchos ratos
De aventura, diversión,
Fantasía y alegría.

Mi querida

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Before You Go!

My heart fills with joy
Every time I get the chance
To share a big or small
Thing with you,
A gossip,
A secret,
A mew discovery
Or just going hanging out.
My gorgeous mother,
My dear mommy,
I love you so!

I want thank you
For all the knowledge
And handy skills
I’ve inherited from you.
I love the way I am.
I’ve survive this wild world
Because of you.
My bright father,
Intelligent being,
I love you so!

Please forgive me
For every harm,
Every insult,
Every damage
I committed against you.
I’ve learned
So many good things from you.
Keep on improving yourself.
My lovely bother,
A beautiful one,
I love you so!

My friend,
Yeah! You!
Thank you!
Thanks for sharing with me,
Every good and bad moment.
Thanks for your advices,
Whether I liked them or not.
Thanks for standing me,
I know it’s not easy.
My dear friend,
One of my kind,
I love you so!

Before you go
I’d like you to know
All of this,
I love you so!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Me And My Lonelyness

Me and my lonelyness
Have been friends
For so long,
And just to think about
Letting her go
It’s an idea I can't stand.

She’s been with me
All this long,
That ain’t easy
To even try
To be without her
Next to me.

She’s my mate,
My sidekick.
Stays with me
In bad
As in good times.
I can always count on her.

My attachment
To her
Is that great
That even
In crowded places
I have her beside me.

She’s so cool.
She gets me.
I owe her
No explanation
About myself.
She’s my BFF,
Knows everything about me.

I can’t’ stand her.
I’d like
To get rid of her.
I’d like
To send her away
For a very long season.

Having her
All the time
Over my shoulder
Makes my existence
Kind of unbearable.

I love her.
I need her.
I hate her.
I don’t want her.

Don’t know how to be without you!



Good Bye My Love

Came here
To the middle of nowhere
Trying to escape
My thoughts,
My demons,
The ghost from past
And especially,
From you.

I still can’t take you
Out of my mind.
I feel good
When I think of you.
I try to forget you,
The more I try,
The more I need you, and
The more I want you back.

I’m angry at life.
Why it had to be this way?
Why I had to know you
If I wouldn’t keep you?
Why did we have to share
If now we must forget?

My heart and my reason
Don’t speak to each other.
My reason doesn’t want to know
About the stupid things of love.
My heart doesn’t want to know
About the real facts of life.

I wish
You were here
With me,
And only,
With me.
I wish
We would’ve had
More time
To count as an affair
between Two lovers.

I haven’t seen
A rainbow,
All I see
Is a clouded sky.
I haven’t lose faith
That I’ll see
The little sunshine
I need to move on
And find a new lover.

Good bye my love.
Good bye my friend.
Good bye to you.

Dedidated to #116.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Well Known Battle

Here I’m,
Once again;
My heart and my mind
Are fighting a battle.

My heart
Sent spies
To the long-term memory
In order to rescue
My thoughts of you
From being totally erased.

My brain
Gave the order
To eradicate every trace
You left impregnated in me.

My joy 
Wants to remain
On playing this game,
As long as my happiness
Keeps on growing.

My reason
Gives me
Endless speeches
About how wrong I’m doing
And the zero chances
I’ve got to win this match
Or any coming match.

Although I perfectly knew
I had lost the entire war
Long before it began,
I decided to participate on it anyway.

The only thing I can do
It’s write poems and songs,
While this come its ends.

Me Estoy Acostumbrando A Ti

No puedo pedirte
Que cubras la Luna,
Porque su resplandor
No me deja ver las estrellas.

No puedo pedirte
Que enciendas el Sol,
Cada vez que
Mis pesadillas me asechan
Y la oscuridad me aterra.

No puedo pedirte
Que te quedes conmigo,
Cuando sienta que
Mi soledad es abundante
Y el aire es escaso.

No puedo pedirte
Que contestes
Mis llamados a media noche,
Por el único motivo
Que me gusta escuchar tu voz.

No puedo pedirte
Que conserves el sabor de mis besos,
Ya que,
Yo no quiero
Olvidar el sabor de los tuyos.

No puedo pedirte
Que me compongas una sinfonía,
Sólo por el hecho
De que eres un genio musical.

No puedo pedirte
Que seas mío,
Dado que es mi capricho
No compartirte con nadie.

No puedo pedirte
Que me entregues tu corazón,
Sólo porque
Yo ya te di el mío.

No puedo pedirte
Que no me olvides,
Sólo porque
Yo te extraño a morir.

No quiero pedirte
Que no me dejes,
Sólo porque
Ya me estoy acostumbrando a ti.