Sunday, October 2, 2011

Trying To

Here I am
Trying to cover
My thoughts with noise,
'Cos I don't want to hear
What my mind's got to say about you.

Here I am
Trying to ignore
The beats of my heart
Every time I think of you.

Here I am
Trying to reach
A crowded place
'Cos I don't want to feel alone this evening.

Here I am
Trying to shut down
The lamps and candles in the room
'Cos I don't want to see that you're not with me.

Here I am
Trying not to watch
At the moon
'Cos it makes me wonder:
"What would you be doing right now?"

Here I am
Trying not to cry
'Cos my soul can't stand you'll never be mine.

Here I am
Trying not to write this poem
I already did.


  1. realmente es asombrosa la profundidada a la que llegan algunos escritores/ parece que este es tu caso y no me limito a este poema, tenes otros muy buenos y profundos, del alma! nunca te abia comentado miss santée pero si siempre leo tus escritos! y te felicito porque a mi parecer son buenos!

    Dios te bendiga siempre!!!
    Por cierto, me alegro mucho saber que ya estas trabajando!!! Realmente es una bendicion!!! Dios te prospere en todo lo que hagas!!!


  2. me gusto mucho este poema, ya que en cierto modo me identifico en algunos puntos del poema, seguí así, inspirada y escribiendo muchos poemas mas para que los sigamos leyendo... :)
